The Whole Being Wagging

It's not enough to have arrived at a place of effortlessly arising Bliss.
It's not enough to be imbued with powers, however dazzling.

It's not enough to feel yourself expanded as all that is.
It's not enough to feel yourself as That within which all arises.

It's not enough that others feel spiritual power emanating from you.
It's not enough that they swoon, declare pain gone, and great blessings arrived.

It's not enough to have a brilliant mind, and a tongue to match.
It's not enough that thousands follow you.

It's not enough for the binding sense of self-identity to have vanished.
It's not enough to exist as the Emptiness that remains.

None of these things, and many other wondrous things as well, are enough,
If, bound by lingering residues of selfhood, you harm others.

Grasping after love, adoration, power, and treasure.
Wanting, needing, taking.

The Greatness of a teacher is not in their spiritual power,
Or powers of any kind, or eloquence, or charisma.

Greatness is the extent to which the vessel has been subsumed by Love,
Has become transparent, has ceased Grasping, and seeks only to Give.

I'm old, and weary of “selves” cloaked in spiritual glory.
But I am thankful each day for the Simple Ones I find.

What’s this? My puppy has appeared, ball in mouth,
Her whole body wagging.

May those who seek Love find a human Guide,
Who greets them in Humility, Honesty, and Simplicity,
Free of the grasping “self”…

The Whole Being wagging.