
When the felt sense of existence as an object-person in space and time has vanished across the Whole of Being – body and mind, subtle and gross – the Innumerable states of Being arise and fall as they ever did.

Weather moves always through the Sky, the Timeless Spacelessness in which time, space, and objects arise and vanish like apparitions.

But no storm or sunlit clarity defines the Sky, qualifies the Sky, or quantifies the Sky; the Unmoving, the Untouched, within which, and as which, all Appearance arises; like clouds suddenly appearing, roiling for a time, and then vanishing into…

To stand in any state of Being, any scope of knowledge, any view or stance, and declare it the Fullness of Freedom, is simple immaturity; planting a flag and declaring the summit, even though, in plain view for any fool to see, the path winds ever onward into the mists of the Great Mystery.