Liberation of the Whole Being

Until the Whole Being is Liberated,
Until the head falls into the Heart,
We have, at the least, only a cerebral freedom,
And at best, existence merely as “That”.

It is one thing to understand,
Another to Know,
Another to Be.

It is one thing to be The Ocean,
Another to be a river,
And another to vanish in their merging.

We can “know” that we do not exist,
As an object in space and time,
And yet…
Feel as if we do.

The body must be released,
As well as the mind.
Every aspect of Form,
Dissolved in Formlessness,
Leaving Formless Form.

Some, imbued with powerful Shakti,
Enamoured of experience,
Often refuse to give up the experiencer,
The “enlightened” one,
And remain a powerful “person”.

Blissless advaitans,
Conditioned by long sadhana,
Dismiss Ananda as mere “experience”,
And lead “awakened” lives
Of cerebral aridity.

Right Understanding is essential,
And Right Relationship to,
Formlessness and Form,
Shiva and Shakti,
The Fullness of the Experience of Being.

For Form is to Formlessness,
Shakti is to Shiva,
As wetness is to water,
As heat is to fire,
And the Lover to the Beloved.

Existence as the enjoyer,
However Blissful,
Is life in the hellworld,
Of ten thousand pleasures.

And existence merely as “That”,
However liberating,
Has the stink of subtle duality,
The most insidious of delusions.

For neither This,
Nor That,
Have ever existed…
I Am.