If You See The Beloved

If you see Her through the trees,
And run after, seeking to grasp and hold,
Making such a clamour…

She will vanish, fearful of “you”.

But… if you see Her there,
And freeze… barely breathing…
Grateful simply for the sight of Her…

She will not see “you”.

And if you persevere in Stillness,
Frozen… barely breathing…
Tearful simply at the sight of Her…

She may turn and see Your Heart.

And if you freeze… barely breathing…
Awash in Unbearable Love,
You will find… in time…

That She approaches, and touches your Heart.

Resting in Loving Stillness,
Dissolving in the Bliss of Her Touch,
You will find, in time…

That She walks beside You, ever near.

Surrendering your separate existence,
Dissolving ever more deeply…
Lover and Beloved will disappear…

Leaving only the wind in the trees,
Where once they danced,
In Sweet Flirtation…

The two having Vanished,
Beyond all dualities,
In Heaven.