Drooling Mind

It's most upsetting.

My roommate, the mind, was quite happy.
All was understood and codified,
And could be recited and explained,
With such diamond-like clarity,
To any and all who would listen.

And oh, how he loved to be listened to.

And oh… how he dearly loved reading,
Learning more, and more, and more,
Gaining greater and greater “knowledge”,
Deeper and deeper “understanding”,
Articulating ever more clearly…

Respected and admired.

And then… The Beloved came,
Her Beautiful Face, Captivating,
Plying him with the Wine of Dissolution.
I watched, helpless, as he became a Fool,
Neglecting everything, Intoxicated…

Dreamy-eyed, for Her.

I actually found him one day,
Where he had fallen by the roadside,
Head lying upon the curb,
Drooling concepts and theories,
Conjecture no longer of use.

Simply pathetic.

As I gathered him up to hide his shame,
He could only mutter, “Love, Love.”,
Until he swooned, again… lost.
And all that he had learned of God,
Poured out of him, at last.

He'll never live this down.

We still live together,
But seldom speak anymore.
He wants only to sing of Her Beauty,
But the mindless fool can find no words,
And Dances, instead, mumbling…

“Love, Love, Love!”