Beyond Reckoning

In Union,
In unmanifest Pure Being,
There is no here or there.
Immaculate Perfection.

But here, in manifestation,
There is most definitely…
Here and there.
And all manner of imperfection exists,
Within, and without!

Ah… but of course…
It's not that simple!

For here, in manifestation,
In the locus of the Heart,
Pure Being Shines.

The most impossible paradox,
In which there is neither here nor there…
Immaculate Imperfection,
The Alloyed Bliss of Unalloyed Ecstasy.

Depending on where Attentions stands,
It will speak thus absolutely, or relatively,
From enlightenment, or ignorance,
Perfection, or imperfection,
Nondual… or dual.

In the land of True and False,
This is true, and that is false.
In Pure Being,
Neither true nor false,
Have ever existed.

Here… because formlessness shines into form,
And the Absolute floods the relative,
Through the locus of the Heart,
Both are true, at once…
And neither!

I am everything.
I am nothing.
I am both,
And neither.

Had enough, dear mind?
Thank you, my weary Friend.
Take rest now…

In the Heart.