Astounded Lucid Confusion

When Shams* stole Rumi's Heart,
The Scirocco* of The Unknowable,
Blew through the mosque of Rumi's mind,
Entwining, around, within, and through,
Until the knowledge that had accrued there,
Became tinder for The Fire of Experience…

And a Brilliant Scholar became a Brilliant Sufi.

Through the brightening of Love's Ember,
Was the framework of the known,
Made ever more brittle, ever more dry,
And ignited into Flame, at last,
Through a fateful encounter, unexpected
With The Sun of Love…

Alight in the Heart of his Friend.

Then roof and walls collapsed,
Words, pages, chapters, books consumed,
Revealing, in the ashes of the known,,
The Love that was in knowledge hidden,
Veiled in words, concealed in concepts,
And Rumi lived thereafter, as he wrote…

“In astounded, lucid confusion.”

* A dry desert wind

* Rumi's teacher, or murshid